Counter Common Winter Roofing Issues with These Important Hacks

How To Prevent Roof Damage During The Winter Season

The winter weather in Arizona can be brutal for your roof. During these extreme conditions, your roof can crack and crumble, leaving your home vulnerable. When damage appears during those colder months, it can make your house chillier than usual since your home becomes less energy efficient. Should leaks occur, your roof will be vulnerable just as the weather starts warming in the spring and the showers come more plentifully.

You can protect your roof – and save yourself a lot of money on roof repair – by following these simple steps to counter common winter roofing issues:

How To Prevent Roof Damage During The Winter Season in Arizona

Make Routine Roof Inspections a Priority

The most important thing you can do to protect the health of your roof is to get an annual inspection. Yet so many homeowners avoid getting inspections altogether. Even the ones who do get them usually wait until they think there’s a problem to get it checked out. Most people don’t feel like the inspection is a priority, and they skip it as an easy way to save money.

But skipping inspections in an effort to save money is short-sighted. You may save the money on the inspection, but you’ll end up spending much more on roof repair over time. Neglect your inspections often enough, and you may even have a new roof installation ahead of you soon. Get the regular inspections to not only protect your roof over the long term, but also to ensure your roof is protected during the harsh winter season.

Ensure That Your Roof is Strong & Protected Against Severe Weather

Your roof needs to be inspected at least once a year, but there are times when you might need to have it inspected more than that. Phoenix has a severe climate, including a yearly monsoon season. During those months, heavy rains and wind pound Phoenix homes and can cause serious damage to roofs.

When the monsoon season is over, you should consider having your roof inspected again. Your roofing contractor can identify any damage that may have been caused and make the appropriate roof repair, ensuring that your roof is strong and protected for the coming winter season. You may also consider an extra inspection where there is an especially bad storm or there is an extreme shift in temperature.

Be Alert of Roof Damage Warning Signs

Keep an eye on your roof throughout the year for any signs that there may be a problem. Allowing warning signs to go unchecked could allow damage to your roof and your home to spread, making it vulnerable through the winter season and beyond.

Some common warning signs that you should watch for include:

  • Blocked gutters and roof drains
  • Pooling water on the roof or around your home’s foundation
  • Yellow or brown spots on the ceiling or walls
  • Higher energy bills (indicating a reduced energy efficiency of the roof)
  • Shingle granules in the gutters
  • Missing or peeling shutters
  • Loose flashing

If you notice these or other signs that there might be a problem on your roof, call a roofing contractor right away to check it out. Making timely roof repair will prevent the damage from spreading and will ensure that your roof is strong and healthy for the coming season.

You don’t need to do much to ensure that your roof is ready for the winter season and beyond, but you do need to be consistent. Getting regular inspections and responding when you see signs of trouble will all ensure that your roof is healthy and ready to protect your home. Establish a good relationship with a reputable roofing company and stick to a schedule of maintenance that includes regular inspections.

Contact an Experienced Roofing Company in Arizona

Call Arizona Native Roofing if you are experiencing trouble with your roof. We offer timely roof repair, as well as re-roofing where needed. We work on shingle roofing, tile roofing, and other types of popular roofing, and we can ensure that your roof remains strong and healthy for long-lasting protection. Our experienced roofing contractors are committed to the highest quality level of workmanship, and our roofing company has earned top reviews on Google, Yelp, and more. We serve homes throughout the Phoenix area. Call us today to schedule a consultation with a roofing contractor or to schedule a roof repair.


Contact Professional Roofers In Arizona


By Published On: February 8th, 2021Categories: Arizona Roofing, Phoenix Roofing

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Arizona Native Roofing

24008 N. 104th Avenue
Peoria, AZ 85383


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