5 of the Best Roofing Structures in the U.S.

5 of the Best Roofing Structures in the U.S.

5 of the Best Roofing Structures
When deciding on a new roof you should take inspiration from these top 5 roof structures.
United States

When you think about roofs, you might think about traditional shingle or tile roofs, and you might think about either a flat or a sloped design. However, there are many more options for your roof, both in the material you use and the style you design.
Take some inspiration from some of these amazing roofing structures in the United States:

Air Force Academy Chapel in Colorado

(picture here: http://ubcentral.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/chapel-outside-500.jpg)
The roof of this beautiful church at the Air Force Academy in Colorado includes 17 spires that are over 150 feet tall. Between the spires are panels of aluminum and sometimes stained glass. The roof is impressive from both the inside and the outside. Inside the chapel, the roof creates beautiful lighting effects that cause parishioners to turn their eyes heavenward.

California Academy of Sciences

(picture here: https://acdn.architizer.com/thumbnails-PRODUCTION/55/03/5503608e38f6f384d785a41366143255.jpg)
The California Academy of Sciences is committed to scientific research, public education and conservation, and it strives to achieve all of those goals in the same building. The roof at the California Academy of Sciences is a green roof in every sense. It is covered with plants and dotted by sky lights, helping to conserve energy and take advantage of all usable space.

Chicago City Hall

(picture here: http://architecturehdwallpapers.com/images/17446-chicago-city-halls-green-roof.jpg)
From the ground, the roof of the Chicago City Hall doesn’t look like much. It looks like just another flat, empty roof. However, when you head up to the top, you’ll see acres of green space. The roof isn’t open to the public, so you’ll have to catch a glimpse in books or from nearby buildings. It also makes for a great sight from a helicopter ride around the city.

Perry South Beach Hotel in Miami

(picture here: http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/fn2/travel/876/493/PerryRooftop.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)
The roof is the perfect location to get a great view. In Miami, you can watch all the hottest people on South Beach from the roof of the Perry South Beach Hotel. You can lounge under the clear, blue skies or take a dip in the designer hotel. You’ll feel like you’re at a VIP club that no one else knows about, and you’ll get a view unlike any other.

Modern High School #9 in Los Angeles

(picture here: http://archpaper.com/images/features/feature2006_10/civics_01.jpg)
You might think you were looking at a museum instead of a high school when you see this building. It looks like art instead of architecture. The roof includes different levels and shapes, and is glass in parts. It is as unique as the building itself.

Looking at these and other amazing roof designs will give you inspiration for what you can do with your home. Arizona Native Roofing is ready to help you install whatever kind of roof you would like, and we specialize in a wide variety of roof types. We can work with architectural designers if you are interested in making significant design changes to your roof, or we can install traditional roof styles. All our experienced contractors are fully licensed and insured.

Written By: – Owner
Arizona Native Roofing
24008 N. 104th Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 85383
Office: 602-348-6559
Website: arizonanativeroofing.com

Category: Roofing
Genre: Home Repair

Jason Swim:
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